Here’s our latest blog
I’m an old school Mum in an iPad world.
The story of Dolly hits hard for me as a Mum.
Our children are approaching the age that Dolly took her own life due to cyber bullying. 14 is just too young. Heartbreaking.
In many ways, the approaching time of our children moving into the online world feels like we are flying down the freeway towards the toll gate with no brakes.
Yes! I always wanted a goat as a child!
Over the past month or so, I have noticed an interesting connection developing in a paddock when doing the school run drive.
I’ll take you back about two months. I noticed a new mob of goats in a hilly paddock surrounding a dam with lots of blackberry. I guessed the goats had arrived to help clear out this noxious weed.
About two weeks later I noticed one caramel goat, with light caramel markings around the chin, ears and tail; out on the road. It jumped the fence and ran off.
Hear what OUR CUSTOMERS LOVE about our grass fed beef and grass fed lamb delivery from our farm.
We have been farming for 5 generations and just begun selling our farm direct grass fed beef and lamb to customers in Spring 2023.
I love delivery days! It is so wonderful to meet your in person! I love hearing about your stories of childhoods growing up on farms or visiting farms in your childhood and youth. And the memories you hold dear of these experiences of farm life.
I also love receiving your emails and messages with photos letting us know about the grass fed meat from our farm that you have unboxed and enjoyed sharing as a family.
So I thought I would share what our customers love about our grass fed beef and lamb through some of these wonderful photos, emails and messages with you too!
Honey and Cinnamon Sourdough Waffles
Recently I have begun playing with sourdough again.
Last year I had a sourdough starter going and tried a few recipes. However I neglected it and it ended up in the chook bin.
However I have got a new sourdough starter cranking along.
3 things I learned from the Bluey 28 Minute Special – April 2024
Our family is an outdoor family and tries the best we can to get our kids outdoors and playing, experiencing real life in a screen limited way.
However, Bluey at 8am on Saturday and Sunday mornings is our family show. We have pancakes or waffles on Saturday morning; and bacon and eggs on Sunday morning and then at 8am, it’s Bluey time.
We have begun this special time as a family, as Mister Farmer is usually still working when we have tea and often not home until after bedtime (especially in busy seasons on the farm).
So, spending time together each weekend morning, over a lovely breakfast is an important time of connection for our family.
And so, that is why Bluey has found a special place in our families’ heart.
And oh man, it is often just so jolly funny!
Dressed Weight - FAQ.
Do you have questions about dressed weight? If yes, you are not at all alone.
Dressed weight is something that can be a little tricky to wrap your head around in the world of buying farm direct.
Dressed weight is not a sheep dressed in a tuxedo or a cow in a tutu!
Is it grass fed beef? All your questions answered.
What is it about Grass Fed Beef? Why are our customers seeking out our grass fed beef? What makes grass fed beef unique?
Grass fed or pasture raised meats contain Omega 3’s & CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) from grass or pasture fed beef. In other words, Grass fed and pasture raised beef contain good fats.
The Burger Edit - Grass Fed Beef Burgers our family loves!
Here we share 3 favorite Grass Fed Beef Burger recipes that our family love! Miss Farmers Burgers, Easy Burgers, Grass Fed Smash Burgers.
Beef Burgers are a 100% winner with our family! I don’t claim to be a Master Chef! They are simple recipes, which can be whipped up with almost zero brain power at the end of a day full of family, homemaking, work and after school commitments.
Serving up Grass Fed Beef Burgers to our family, I can guarantee that all family members will leave the dinner table nourished and happy after a favourite meal quietly enjoyed. Isn’t that every parents dream at tea time.
So give some of our simple Grass Fed Beef Burger recipes a go!
Our Story of Rain : What animals and nature are telling us about weather.
The kookaburras laughing up a storm at lunch time today reminded me of our family story of rain.
Your questions from Farmer to Fridge posts answered by Peppermint Ridge Farm Co
We noticed some of the questions from the Farmer the Fridge page about farms and farm direct meat purchases.
We are not experts on some of these things, but we can talk with you about our farm.
Questions from the Farmer to Fridge page answered by us at Peppermint Ridge Farm Co include :
Where are you located?
Is it grass fed, grass finished?
Is our meat mandatory mRNA vaccinated?
Suet, liver and heart available?
Estimated hung weight for a full beast?
Do you know how much mince we would get in a quarter cow?
Is our meat 3D printed?
Is our meat off a real bone, not tampered with?
Can u see the price on the website?
How do you guarantee the farmers will set a fair price?
Do you deliver to (NSW, Batemans Bay etc)?
Do you deliver to Murray Bridge? Pick up options?
How much per kg?
How much for a full lamb?
How much for half a cow? And what about the lamb?
How do we go about ordering this?
I couldn’t find this option when I went online?
How to FARM to PLATE : growing confident and adventurous cooks
Here you can find recipe ideas and cooking tips to give you inspiration and confidence in cooking a new beef or lamb cut for an easy family meal that will become a family favourite and asked for time and time again. As well as find our more about where the cuts come from on the sheep or cow.
The number and type of cuts from a whole lamb or whole cow can seem a lot.
This is even the case for us farmers, who have enjoyed our own meat from our own farm for many years. Overtime we have learnt more and would like to share a little about the optimal cooking methods to match with beef or lamb cuts to make easy family meal times for your family, along with succulent and flavour filled eating.
Freezer Clean Out Bingo - how to prepare for your meat delivery
Why do you need to reclaim freezer space before a meat delivery?
Your meat will arrive ready to be stored in your freezer on delivery day.
From my experience as Misses Farmer and being the grateful reciever of our farms meat for over 10 years, it is most helpful to have specific sections of your freezer emptied and ready for your meat delivery to be stored. I find it helpful to have freezer space organised in sections where I know where to find the beef or lamb or mince or sausages to help with quick and easy family dinners with meat from our farm.
Eating our your freezer makes defrosting your freezer easy, which also helps with reclaiming freezer space, as any build up of ice can be removed giving you back that space for storing your food.
It can take a few weeks to eat through a sizeable freezer to reclaim freezer space, so it is a great idea to get started now.
Time to try something different -selling and delivering beef and lamb to our customers
There have been increases in interest rates over the past 12 months which has impacted our family business, as well as many other small business’. We have also just recieved offical notification from the Bureau of Meterology confirming that we are in a drier weather pattern, an El Nino.
Last week, Mr Farmer was in contact with a local stock agent. In the past, would sell our sheep and cattle through local stock agents and markets. We have been advised that for sheep, the price has dropped to one fifth of last years’ prices and they are booked out until November (2 months away).
This is why we have decided to try something different.