3 things I learned from the Bluey 28 Minute Special – April 2024

Our family is an outdoor family and tries the best we can to get our kids outdoors and playing, experiencing real life in a screen limited way.

However, Bluey at 8am on Saturday and Sunday mornings is our family show.  We have pancakes or waffles on Saturday morning; and bacon and eggs on Sunday morning and then at 8am, it’s Bluey time.

We have begun this special time as a family, as Mister Farmer is usually still working when we have tea and often not home until after bedtime (especially in busy seasons on the farm).

So, spending time together each weekend morning, over a lovely breakfast is an important time of connection for our family.

And so, that is why Bluey has found a special place in our families’ heart.


And oh man, it is often just so jolly funny!


My favourite episodes are Cricket, Calypso, and Dance Mode.  And Hammerbarn rates a mention too, mmmm pizza!


So here are my thoughts, and things I learned from the Bluey 28 Minute Special!


1.      Find the FUN in life

Wow! Those dogs do a very good job of having a rocking lot of fun in life! They find the fun in the everyday. The dancing at the wedding reception, Uncle Stripes ungraceful exit from the garden bush post wedding morning and finding joy in a car-ride for which the purpose is pretty tragic (trying to finding a bride who has flown the coop just before her wedding). I realise that Bluey is a cartoon about a family of dogs, with just snippets of their lives! However if there is anything that these dogs can teach me it is; put the chores or computer admin aside, say “yes” more often when my littles ask me to play. To prioritse the fun that comes with taking some time on a Sunday afternoon to help my eldest set up a little chicken play house on the lawn, to sit, cuddle and chat about happy chicken noises. As way too soon, it is likely our littles will be grown and off living their own lives.


2.      Mum’s are human too

Chilli, Mum to the heeler family is completely dedicated to her family. Yet also completely human. She does her best to be a present, fun and fair Mum. But she also has moments when she can’t retain her complete composure, or she makes mistakes. But what I love about Chilli is that she owns her mistakes and always apologises and reconnects with her kids.


3.      Family first

What I love about the Heeler family is how they prioritise family first. They choose to connect and spend time together. As that is what childhood memories are built on. The whole family was working together to prepare for the backyard wedding of the year!  I also loved Uncle Rad’s wedding speech – it’s OK to make mistakes and plan a new way forward.

After the weekends shocking and tragic events in Sydney, it is as much a time as any to hold close those you love dear, make the most of every moment and make the life for your family that you want to live. 

Which is what the Heelers ended up doing! It was heart-warming to see Bandit rip the sign out and the family pile up after!  After watching the show, the pearl of wisdom “You make your own luck”, came to mind. Bluey’s lucky coin played a part in the whole heeler families dream becoming reality. Family is more important than upsizing your lifestyle.


If you did miss the Bluey 28 Minute Special, it is available to stream in ABC iView.


I would love to hear from you about what you loved about the Bluey Special! Email me here!

Love to you all, Misses Farmer X

Photo Credits : Ludo Studios, Bluey website, The Official Bluey TV FB and Insta.

Copyright Peppermint Ridge Farm Co 2024


Honey and Cinnamon Sourdough Waffles


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