Time to try something different -selling and delivering beef and lamb to our customers

I grew up in the mid-north of South Australia on a mixed sheep and cropping farm with my parents and two brothers. It was a sweet little spot on a lovely hillside with a dirt track up to our farm house, lined with tall lanky gums, looking out over the pink salt lakes of Lake Bumbunga and the Hummocks hills.

After growing up, moving to the city for University and taking teaching jobs around South Australia I met Mister Farmer at the Woolshed in the city (yes really!).

We have now grown our family, as well as established our own farming enterprise at Rockleigh in the Adelaide Hills.

Mister Farmers family have been long established farmers in the Rockleigh area. After leaving school, Mister Farmer worked a range of off farm jobs and later returned to his chidhood farm in a partnership with his brother. Family farms can be asset heavy and cashflow low. This was the trigger for Mister Farmer and I to develop our own farming enterprise, firstly with cross-bred White Suffolk lambs and then later moving into Black Angus cattle. Our family is very appreciative of the support we recieve from Mister Farmers family in both in-kind support, share farming and use of machinery. This support, is really what has helped us to grow our own farming enterprise and progress over recent years.

We are excited to continue the legacy, provide opportunities for our children to find the joy of farming life we experienced as children, as well as possible opportunities to continue the legacy into future generations. My Grandfather encouraged us to see landholdings and farming as a caretaking role, “pass it onto the next generation” he would say, respecting the gift of past generations, and look forward to being a part of creating opportunities for future generations to also enjoy the love of life on the land.

Can you spot the tree monkey? Peppermint Gums are such wonderful trees for children to climb and play in. They often grow out wide, with branches heading out horizontal not too far off the ground. A wonderful place to start an afternoons adventure!

The idea of selling our Beef and Lamb direct to customers is something which we have been considering over time. Over recent years Mister Farmer and I have continued on with our family farm business, breeding Black Angus cattle and cross-bred lambs and selling to market. We have watched my cousin from Emu Downs Prime Lamb grow their family farm business through Half a Cow (rebranding to Farmer to Fridge) and it has encouraged us to give direct sales to customers a go too. We are excited about this opportunity to connect directly with our customers, hear of their enjoyment of our products which has seen much investment of time, love, and dedication in seeing our cows and sheep raised to the point of sale.

This is when Peppermint Ridge Farm Co was born! It is an exciting time for Mister Farmer and I and our children Miss Farmer and Master Farmer.

Farming is both a mix of “heart” and “head”. Feeling the heart of the legacy of past generations, love of the land in which you grew up (as well as often past generations). The head is the business side of farming, ensuring that financial obligations of interest and debt repayments can be made, bills can be paid, animals cared for in changeable seasonal conditions and the farming enterprise remains a financially viable one.

“This is why we have decided to try something different.”

There have been increases in interest rates over the past 12 months which has impacted our family business, as well as many other small business’.

This week we recieved offical notification from the Bureau of Meterology, confirming that we are in a drier weather pattern here in South Australia, an El Nino.

Last week, Mister Farmer was in contact with a local stock agent. In the past, would sell our sheep and cattle through local stock agents and markets. We have been advised that for sheep, the price has dropped to over half of last years’ prices and they are booked out until November (2 months away).

This is why we have decided to try something different.

Our cows and sheep are at point of sale now. Ready for sale and processing. Ready for delivery to our customers.

Direct sales to customers will provide our family farm with an opportunity to connect directly with customers and share our family’s love of our farm with you.

Peppermint Ridge Farm Co   I   Our White Suffolk cross-bred lambs smiling for the camera on this lovely sunny day!

Our white suffock cross-bred lambs smiling for the camera on a lovely sunny spring day!

How can you support our South Australian family farm?

• Click here to JOIN our FLOCK to keep updated on what is coming soon from our farm! You will receive a gift from us of a FREE Beef and Lamb Freezer Inventory Printable.

• Support another South Australian farming family, like Emu Downs Prime Lamb. Visit Farmer to Fridge and find a local South Australian Farmer who produces quality products in your local area.

Love to you all, Misses Farmer X

Copyright © Peppermint Ridge Farm Co 2023


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